A prophetic voice “comforts the afflicted and afflicts the comforted.”
Sister Shirley
I was visiting with friends recently and one, who had been
out the country for several years after having grown up here, noted how
different Nigerian society is today. We all keep to our neighborhoods and stay
out of areas less familiar to us or that are not dominated by our own people.
To put in my own words, we stay in our comfort zones. I am
reminded of a challenge I heard several years ago from a Catholic sister I once
worked with, she challenged people around her to “comfort the afflicted and
afflict the comforted.” In this context I would stretch the last words to
include those living a comfortable life, not having concern for others; they
too need to be afflicted.
If we find we are contented in our comfortable lives I think
we should thank God for his provisions and blessings, but personally, I fear
that state of contentment because too often I find that if I stay there, I end
up getting lazy and begin to dry up. I end up going through my days without any
real connectedness, like I was a robot; living without feeling or deep concern
for those around me.
God calls us to live in a state of community, but if we just
stay within our comfort zones we isolate ourselves. When God created this world
he did it with much diversity. He used an array of colors and textures. If we
cut ourselves off from even one part of that diversity then we are not living
the life God intended for us. May you daily remember to seek to understand God’s
dreams so that you don’t miss out on the life God intends for you. And
remember; if your life is too comfortable, maybe it’s time shake things up a