Sunday, June 24, 2012

It's All About Attitude!

As I watched Nigerian morning news that focused prayers for peace and read updates about Coach Tolar's 5K benefit run last Saturday, I am reminded how much attitude plays into our love for life and the impact we can make.

When I began teaching at Hillcrest I think it's safe to say that Jay was one of the most encouraging colleagues I met. The whole staff had a great attitude, but Jay's energy and concern for all always was a great source of encouragement. It was great to see that some of his former students and friends from Nigeria were able to join the run and others took part in a sister event at Hillcrest itself on the same day. Coach suffers from Lou Gerig's disease, but continues to encourage those around him and past students and colleagues.

I'm thankful that, even though we are spending our summer in Jos where our freedom of movement is limited due to continued tensions around Jos and the rest of the country, my kids are trying to keep positive. This summer it's been hardest for Daniel, but I've been thankful for the other kids' increased maturity to try to find things to do.

Keeping a positive attitude can make even challenging days bearable!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Goes On

According to my US friends, summer has just arrived. I guess summer is one of those things that relates more to when your summer holiday starts, then the actual dates that designate summer itself.

Summer is supposed to be a time to relax, have a change of pace, and take time to enjoy some things that you don't usually have time to do. By that definition my summer is going well. A few weeks ago I listed a few things I hope to do during my summer break and I'm happy to report that my list is being enjoyed.

I've had a few chances to watch Food Channel. Between irregularities of electricity and grabbing a few minutes when the kids will give me some "Mom moments" with the TV I've even had chance to try some inspired dishes. I've made a new pizza with olive oil, rosemary, and some fruit and vegetable toppings. The kids don't enjoy it much, but I have. Today I used the last of the cheese to make a regular pizza, my new pizza, and some pizza bread to dip in sauce. Even before that I made a big batch of Grandpa Paul's chocolate chip cookies (that means no chips). Baking is one way I enjoy expressing my creativity.

I've also had some time to read a few novels and some African History. Plus, I'm almost done with a kids book about Capt. James Cook. Whether it's reading novels or history, I enjoy reading when I have time to savor the new thoughts, ideas, and information.

Another thing I've taken time to do is going for walks each day during the week. I'm up to over 2 miles now. I'm even trying to jog a big, but that distance is about all my feet can take without protesting. I try to walk each morning when I take the boys to soccer camp and have often been able to connect with a colleague/friend who is around. It's good to talk and walk with a friend!

The last thing I've taken more time to do these past days is to tickle my little guy. Over the years I've enjoyed tickle time with all my kids, but now it's mostly Dan. During the holidays he comes for tickles once or twice a day. All my kids are very ticklish and hearing them erupt with laughter is great fun!

Now they've taken light so I'm not sure this will post, but since it's after 2:00 am, I'll try to get back on since I have a little charge with our back up battery. I hope you can enjoy summer time, even if your holiday is just spent at home.

I finished this blog after 2:00 am this morning, but then the electricity went off and back up battery had too little charge to check it for corrections etc.

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Does it Mean to Claim or Seek Salvation? What is the cost we must bear if we are to seek God’s will whole heartedly?

Often during my holiday from school my husband will put me on the preaching schedule for our church. Yesterday he officiated the service and I preached.

Luke 14:25-35                    Proverbs 1:7-19                     Revelations 3:14-22

Last week Brother Santos shared with us how even Christians regard both money and salvation as two important concerns in our life. Today I would like us to focus on salvation and the cost we must be willing to bear if we truly claim that salvation.

Salvation is one of those things that everyone hopes to enjoy. We like the idea of spending eternity in peace without any concerns, problems, or challenges, but many people think that problems end when someone becomes a Christian; unfortunately that is not the case.

Most of us struggle in some way and we don’t like to remember that the road to salvation can be full of pot holes and gallops. When we see people struggling or being punished we want to assume that they have done something to deserve their challenges or punishment. In the Proverbs’ passage it talks about ill-gotten gain. When we see corruption around us it’s easy to judge harshly those that are caught. We are even happy when we see corruption uncovered and relieved if those caught are judged guilty. But what do we do when deceit and greed are hidden in people’s hearts and not uncovered? What when we do when we discover seeds of deceit or greed in our own hearts. What do we do when we find we are making our own plans and realize that the plans we have set our hearts on are not in accordance with God’s will? As with all increased understanding, the more we learn about God the more we are convicted by the law and will of God.

There may be someone we have set our hearts on marrying, or something we feel we must purchase, or a job or promotion that we feel we deserve and then as days pass things just don’t work out the way we expected and we begin to wonder why. We cry out, “It’s not fair!” but at some point we need to ask ourselves if we have brought our desire to God and asked Him if our will is also His will.

As hard as it may be, we have to realize that seeking God’s will and living in accordance with His will is a daily challenge. For most of us, the cost of being a disciple is that effort to daily seek His will in all that we do. In decisions big or small, in our home, work, school, when we are relaxing. In discussions with friends and choosing what to watch on TV or listen to in our car, we must consider God’s will. For some, the cost of following God is more than making daily sacrifices; often those we admire most have persevered in spite of great challenges.

Bearing the cost of being God’s disciple is not just about going to Sunday service or attending mid-week prayers, it’s about how we live our lives day in and day out. In Revelations we read about how God despises the lukewarm. This text is actually referring to the people of Laodicea. They were a wealthy people who enjoyed the benefits from their banking industry, wool manufacturing, and their medical school. Their main problem is that the town lacked a good water system. Their only water source was from a nearby hot springs so their water was always lukewarm, and lukewarm water is always disgusting.

The passage is not just speaking about water; as Christians, we understand how God can despise the cold – those that even we identify as living outside God’s will. We also admire and seek to be on fire for God. We strive to live boldly and to be seen as someone who walks closely with God and benefits from the blessings he showers upon His children. But how many of us are living as lukewarm Christians? The people of Laodicea thought their wealth was enough to get them by; God thought otherwise. 

The TV evangelists and preachers speak a lot about God’s blessings and imply that there is something wrong if we don’t have them. But God doesn’t promise us material gain.

But if truth be told, if we focus on the actual cost of seeking God’s salvation, we have to admit that it can be exhausting to seek God’s will. It is a challenge to both seek and submit to God’s will. I’ve said several times that living for Christ is hard and choosing the world’s way seems so much easier, but if we really desire God’s way and His kingdom, then we must be willing to accept the challenge. If we want to do well on our exams, we study hard. If we want to do well in competitions, we must train hard.

The rich feel they have worked hard for their wealth so they want to protect it. They build up their high walls and place a buffer, or protective barrier, between themselves and the poor. The rich seem to imply that they have so much that their wealth will solve all of life’s problems. They don’t need anyone else in their world, their wealth is enough.  But even the middle class have their walls. They may not be as high, but they still round our property and try to keep it safe from those outside and sometimes we all try going our own ways.

As Christians we strive to live in community without walls. The early Christians shared all that they had, but today we don’t want to have our desire to live in community with others be abused by those who do not hold to God’s will or uphold his standards. God promises His kingdom to those who accept his correction and discipline but overcoming and not submitting to all the world offers is really hard. We get angry when we feel the world is abusing our spirit of generosity. As a child, I was taught to “count to ten” when I was angry so that I could cool off before I said something I might regret. Today I use that time to pray for God’s guidance.

Praying for God’s guidance is practical advice for Christians, but we must take prayer seriously and realize that God calls us to put him before all that the world has to offer and sometimes that might even mean putting God’s will before the will of our parents or others that are important to us. God calls us to carry the cross; that cross can come in many forms, but basically means anything that comes between us and God’s will. Anything that threatens to separate us from God; I know I often fight a battle of wills with God. Sometimes His will is not what I expected and submitting to His will demands that I set my will, my desires, aside.; to do otherwise would be to sin.

In Luke 17:1-9, God admits that we will all face sin and cautions us to be ready. He also challenges us to forgive those who sin against us, just as he daily forgives us. Like the apostles we must cry out, “Increase our faith!”

We are comforted by the words of Luke 18:27 where Jesus clearly states that what is impossible for men is possible with God. Later, in verse 30, he promises that the payback for those who strive to live for God’s kingdom will be “to receive many more times as much in this age and the age to come.” Did you hear that, “this age and in the age to come.”

God promises that the cost is worth the payback. It’s hard not knowing when that payback will come, we all hope and pray it will come in time for us to enjoy it. But while we wait, we can take comfort in knowing God promises us heaven on earth (Luke 17:21). He says that the kingdom of God is neither here nor there, but within you, within us.

I think God provides us glimmers of His eternal kingdom throughout our lives; if only we look closely every day to notice them. A child’s hug, a girlfriend or boyfriend’s special look, a teacher’s “Good job!” a boss’ “well done!”, a spouses’ love and thankfulness, a teenager’s words of appreciation, the knowledge that we gave our all on the sports field or in a presentation. The realization that God provides our daily needs and more should bring us contentment.

As humans we always want more, but we are encouraged to live a contended life and must decide if the cost is worth the call.

I believe God understands our struggles; didn’t he struggle on the cross at Calvary? I also believe that God will provide us with the courage and ability to meet the tasks he puts before us, but daily we find that trust tested and daily we must submit to the willingness to seek salvation first. One thing about courage; it develops in times of war or tragedy. By the grace of God we will one day meet him and hear him say, “Well done good and faithful servant. The kingdom of God is at hand. Enjoy!” Grace is something Lutherans know well; without it we will always fall short.

May we together strive to seek His will and may we daily find ways to encourage and strengthen each other so we might meet in his kingdom one day and find the door open.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.”

Friday, June 8, 2012

Virtues Only Develop During Tough Times

Courage, Heroism, Sacrifice, Justice, Compassion, Mercy, Love…

Sometimes there is such evil in this world it is easy to wonder where God is. In Randy Alcorn’s book, Deception, Ollie and Clarence discuss this dilemma. Clarence explains that we would never see the virtues listed above if it weren’t for the challenges and tragedies we face.
It is the virtues we see in good people that inspire us and, according to another character, Jake, justice has to be restrained…God  has been withholding judgment-- it’s what kept us alive, giving us opportunity to repent and accept his grace.

If God always intervened as soon as something bad happened, none of us would develop courage, make sacrifices, seek justice, show compassion, etc.
It is like a parent who is ready to catch the child when he’s about to fall. When the child is a toddler, the parent’s hovering is welcome and necessary, but as the same child becomes a teenager or adult then the parent’s hovering is neither welcome nor necessary. In fact, it keeps the child from his own growth and development and becomes a hindrance to him from developing those very virtues listed above.

God’s justice is not usually the kind of justice we seek, but it is a kind of restrained justice that allows us to take correction or welcome a second chance in life. If justice was swift, we would never understand the extent of God’s love and grace. We would never have the chance to right what is wrong in our own lives or make a difference in someone else’s.

God allows suffering and evil to give us a chance to stand up or take a second chance to right a wrong in our life, but especially for us to learn how lean Him. Take a moment and think about when God’s restraint gave you a chance to get it right and the growth you experienced as a result.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Compromises Can Be a Good Thing

Over the years I've enjoyed making up, or adapting different recipes. It all started back when I was five or six years old.

I remember I was sitting in front of the TV shredding bread into a bowl. Don't ask me why, I was watching Julia Child and knew I couldn't just throw them away so I made up a recipe to use them. I looked in the fridge and pulled out cheese, onions. and my mom suggested I add some eggs and milk. It tasted pretty good. I remember writing the recipe down and naming it something like "Dorthea's favorite breakfast" and writing, "if you don't have eggs, you can use strawberries". I don't know if my mom still has that page in her cookbook, but I know it was there for long and I made it more than once while growing up.

A few years back, when it was I was living in a more remote part of Nigeria and rarely had cheese I sometimes made "Mbamba Pizza". I was living in Mbamba at the time so it was just pizza with no cheese. It was certainly better than no pizza at all! I'm sure the Italians have there own name for it, but I like mine.

Then there were "Breakfast Cookies". My kids never had time for breakfast when they were little. They just ran out to play as soon as they were awake. Living at the seminary in Mbamba, our neighbors were early risers and so were the kids. As they ran out the door I'd shout, "At least take a cookie or two!" They were oatmeal cookies with reduced sugar and peanut butter so I figured they were better than a bowl of oatmeal, especially since I made them on the big size.

The other day I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and the kids gobbled them up in less than a day. (Good thing I hid a few so Amson could get some when he returned home from some travels the next day.) A few days later when I asked Daniel what kind of cookies I should make , he wanted the same ones and agreed "no chips" would be fine. While making them, I remembered that Grandpa Paul's favorite cookies were chocolate chip, but he always looked for ones with few or no chips so now I have a new cookie, "Grandpa Paul's Cookies".

I find that I'd rather have a compromised recipe than not make what is on my mind. Learning to make a compromise can be a good thing. One of the few lessons I remember from high school was about compromise. Miss Lancaster taught us survival tips and her theme was to find a compromise if you don't have exactly what you need. I guess that's what I did with most of these recipes. I found a compromise. I'd say that lesson has served me well and helped me to survive over twenty years in Nigeria. Having some kind of pizza, and cookies certainly helped. Did I mention my ice cream substitute????