Friday, August 1, 2008

New Beginnings, New Challenges

I reported back to school today and have a few days to get ready for the first day of classes on August 6th. It was good to be back.

I am fortunate to work in an environment where we have the dual purpose of educating our students and showing/teaching them how to live for God. These past years I think I have learned even more than my students!

It looks like it will be a good year. I thought I would have a lot of students, but my class numbers are much lower this year, which is good because last year I couldn't spend as much time on skill building, like giving essays and other assignments that took longer to mark.(Last year I had about 83 students 2nd semester and this semester I'll have around 50. Plus I had two new classes)

Even so, there was one point today where I started to feel overwhelmed when I was trying to focus on what needed my attention first. I had to just sit down and remind myself that it was God who called me to the task and trust He would continue to show me how to carry out my work. I really believe that it is Satan that fosters doubt in each of us and if we don't contradict him right away, those doubts will just build and build until we can't do anything!

So, if you start stressing out about any new challenge, just trust that the God who brought that challenge your way has already given you the tools to tackle the challenge, you just have to pick up those tools and start using them! Not only that, God knows our needs even before we ask them, so trust the solution is in sight!

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