Friday, March 27, 2009


It's funny how we anticapate something like a holiday and then it comes and before we hardly realize it, it is over! Our break from school was only ten days, and now there are only three left. Since I'm a teacher, I'm already thinking about the marking I hope to make a bigger dent in, reading to do, a paper teachers are expected to submit, and lessons to think about.

It's a good thing I'm trying to give up on stressing out, or I'd be climbing a tree by now.

Last month I felt like I was still dealing with crisis issues, but then I finally got around to having a debriefing and realized how much God has guided my life over the years and, amazingly, a few people have noted how much more calm I am or to ask me for advice on living in Nigeria!

Now that I've reached my mid 40's, I feel like I am finally dealing with today, today (as we say here, that means, the here and now). Tomorrow is there waiting, and being prepared for things like retirement is a wise thing to aim for, but I'm finally at that stage where I am happy with where I am in life.

I don't have to stress about finishing school like my high school students, I don't have to worry about furthering my education like the young adults around me, I don't have to worry about finding a husband (God sent me a great man!), I don't have to worry about having babies (I trust that stage has past!), I enjoy guiding my own children through their stages, but don't want to rush them...I enjoy my career (any change there is up to God) and so on...

Oh, don't get me wrong, I still struggle with issues and students at school, I still shout at my kids sometimes and I still struggle with housekeeping, getting to school on time and meeting various deadlines, but seeing God's hand in my life is a great gift and is a great stress reducer!

I pray that God is revealing Himself to you too and that His hand is visible in your life. If you can't quite see it, try meeting him more often. Hearing God takes time, and the best way to hear him better is by taking more time to listen to His voice in His word, in prayer and in fellowship with other seeking Christians.

Take time to open your eyes and your ears!


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