Sunday, April 26, 2009


I have only a moment to write as there is no light and my battery is nearly dead, but these past days I have often been reminded of how great God is and wanted to share my thoughts with you.

These are very busy days; we have only about four and half weeks of school left and in about five weeks the kids and I will be visiting my family in America.

As busy as these next weeks are, I trust God will guide me to get everything done and still remind me to take time for myself.

As a teacher, and now even more so as a mother too, it is very easy to get busy taking care of everyone and forget to make sure I get a good night's sleep, allow myself to have a few moments of pleasure with a novel or a moment to gaze at the trees blowing in the wind or the welcome rain pouring down.

A few years ago we had thieves twice in a few months and after that I found myself having to begin each night sleeping with the children. I found that the extra sleep did wonders for my mindset and gave me more energy to be creative at school. Reading novels helps too; when my mind and soul are fed by novels or sharing in the Word I find it much easier to deal with challenges I meet in the classroom or at home.

I pray that, no matter how busy you find yourself and how much you feel you must do, that you too will take time to ponder on God's word, stare in wonder at His creation and just relish the gifts he provides and the many ways He shows His care and concern for you and those close to you. God is good! (At church the congregation always responds, "All the time!") May you fully enjoy God's goodness!


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