Marrying in Nigeria gave me a large extended family and I am so fortunate that my husband's family is very welcoming and is made up of some great people.
Since my husband is the oldest child we have always had extended family living with us. They help me with the kids, especially when they were young, and help with the cleaning and cooking. At present there are two sisters living with us, one brother eats with us and the youngest brother heads back to boarding school tomorrow. We have helped educate most of them and now the oldest sister is helping us out with some of the youngest brother's needs and helps us by living in our new house in Adamawa State so that it doesn't stand empty.
As you read this, you may think it is a lot to ask of an American wife, but more often than not, I feel far more on the receiving end. They give so much and without all their help I could never do the work I do at Hillcrest and work the long hours at school and with marking etc at home.
Pwakavi, the groom in the picture, is Nat's baptismal sponsor and has been a good uncle to the kids. Last December Nat spent several nights with him when we were in Adamawa. He also lived with us for a time and now continues to teach in the same Lutheran school I used to work at. He often says that, traditionally, he should be the one to provide for a lot of Nat's needs. I am so glad the kids feel comfortable with their Nigerian uncles and aunts and thank God for my in-laws. May 4th is our wedding anniversary, I guess that's why I am sharing my thankfulness for all of them.
P.S. I'll try to remember to take a picture of the two of us soon so you can see us together.
comment :)
ok like what are we writing a comment for yea totally
Dear miss,
we are looking for the mailadress of the LCCN guesthouse Dogon Dutse. whe only find you on the internet. Could you pleace give us that adress or a phone number to
thanks a lot and may God bless you
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