Friday, January 15, 2010

A Good beginning

We started our second semester at school and one thought that has often been on my mind is how God provides what we need, when we need it...

As I was preparing for the semester one of the things on my mind was how I could improve my course on government. I've taught the course a couple of times, but never made it a high priority since I was struggling with other courses; but the time finally came.

For the past several months I've been reading a book titled Steppingstones to Curriculum by Harro Van Brummelen (I ponder a lot when I read so sometimes I can only digest a few pages as I go) and as I read a few more pages during the break they really helped as I planned for the new term. I pray that the insights will make class content more real and meaningful to my students.

I'm the kind of teacher who is very comfortable lecturing the whole classtime, unfortunately students often get bored with that approach so I am TRYING to be creative, but it can be really hard. The government course will require more student involvement in presentations of activities and current events. I hope they enjoy it. They can also take the chapter quizzes anytime during the week so I hope they enjoy that freedom. Essay tests will be over a unit so that should also be easier on me, plus, by then they should have more to say!

This idea that God provides what we need, when we need it is something that has become more real to me as I get older and the African setting has probably intensified it too. As a missionary and an expatriot it can be really easy to isolate oneself or become insular. At times I think it is necessary, but other times it becomes a dangerous temptation as one might develop a superior attitude. Often I find that God provides a needed opportunity or interruption just when I need it so that I can grow more and be stretched in ways that deepen my relationship with Him and those around me.

May you too be stretched and challenged to deepen your relationship with God and those around you. Remember, God calls most of us to live in a community.

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