Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break

After a good weekend of fun with the family in Abuja we are back in Jos and will be at the guesthouse for the next week. For the rest of the week I don't have any big plans. I did sit down and make a list today, but I don't feel compelled to exhaust myself with lots of baking or stress myself thinking about the reports I collected last week.

I do hope to do some baking. I have two pumpkins waiting to use and today I bought some cheese for pizza, but I think I'll put it off a day or two. I may do some marking too, time will tell. For now though, I just feel the need to rest and enjoy a few things I don't always have time for. Writing a few blogs, watching some mystery/detective shows on TV, reading for pleasure, tickling my kids...those kinds of things.

Tomorrow I will meet a longtime friend who has been inviting me for a lunch date since my birthday in October. When I realized I had no big plans I sent her a note and look forward to spending some time with her.

I have another lunch out planned too, but that one is a little sadder. One of my fellow Nigerwives is leaving Nigeria. Her children have pressured her to move back to her country of origin. I pray that it will be a good move and that her husband will follow. I also thank God that my family understands my calling to Nigeria.

Nigeria, and Jos in particular, continue to be full of uncertainties but we are still here and pray God will give us courage to trust Him. Uncertainties or not, I still feel God has work for us here in Jos.

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