Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back Home

We arrived back in Jos a few hours ago. One thing that hit me hard is how much clutter we have. That was one thing I enjoyed about being in our Yola clutter!

It's amazing how easy things add up. Even now, I need to unpack, but since we're moving soon I don't really want to unpack, only to pack up again soon. I'm tempted just to run my suitcase over to the new house on Monday and just unpack it there. I'll still find stuff to wear, especially after our clothes are washed.

I think I will try to be selective about what I take to the new house and then look at what's left and decide if I really need it or not. It's easy to give away things that don't fit the kids anymore, or things they have grown out of, but it's really hard to start giving away books, things I MIGHT need one day and so on and so forth. At the same time, I look forward to the opportunity to have a fresh start.

It is a good time to scale back...I'm sure I could find good homes for some of the things and I'm sure there are some things I should just toss out.

At least I know some places that can use some things and I can think of a few people who might be interested in some of the other stuff. It's summer break and a good time to scale back and examine priorities. Wish me luck...or better yet, pray for discernment between things that would be wise to save and those that are just clutter at this time in my life. Perhaps you want to join me in this effort!

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