Thursday, July 5, 2012

In the Midst of Summer Break

The break continues on. I continue to walk/jog every weekday morning. It is a good way to start the day. The boys continue soccer camp and Annette tries to find things to do. I'm enjoying more baking and watching a little TV, but mostly reading. I've read several books for fun, some for school, and have even started some prep work for classes next year and did some organizing in my classroom.

I learned a new word the other day, "Stay-cation". I guess that describes our holiday this summer. While I"m enjoying the pace, it would be nice to go some place! Even so, it's good to be relaxed and take more time to do things with the kids and have time to exercise. There have also been various activities this summer in the mission community and it's been good to connect with others. We had about 90 last night for a 4th of July dinner and games. I guess that's always part of my desire for vacation time, time to connect with others, so I'm glad that is still happening.

I need to write a new devotional blog for the women's group at church. We have started to use some that I have posted here and the other women seem to find them encouraging and I am encouraged to write more. Time to do some thinking and reading for inspiration.

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