Friday, August 24, 2012

Jesus is God and Savior

While growing up I often heard people say that if all of the Bible was lost except for John 3:16, there would still be enough to grasp God’s great love for us. From a human perspective it makes no sense for God to create a great world, have sin enter into it and then to send his only son back to that same world through an unbelievable birth, only for Jesus to die for everyone else in this world who in no way deserve God’s love.
.On top of that, Jesus was perfect!

I don’t know about you, but I get angry when I think I am being falsely accused of something and would be even madder if I was then wrongly punished too. Even worse, is when I learn someone has wrongly accused one of my children of something! Yet, that is exactly what happened with Jesus and God.
God allowed his son to suffer for us all and Jesus accepted the judgment without trying to run from it. Sure, we read in the gospel texts that Jesus struggled with the burden but he didn’t fight it! To our human ears, this makes no sense and I can only begin to understand any of it by recognizing God’s and Jesus’ actions as a sign of great love. A Father’s Love .

Not everyone has experienced a Father’s Love, but God’s love is that of a perfect Father, one is always there when we fall, make a mistake, seek forgiveness for being mean, selfish, or narrow-minded. He is always waiting to receive us back when we think we can run from him for a little while. When we are cold or lonely, he is always there to comfort us and provide encouragement.

This forth Biblical Truth states that to seek God and claim his love, we must also accept the story of Jesus and every detail of his life as Truth. To know God, we must know Jesus.

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