Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's All About Perspective

In James 1:9-12 we read about the humble and the proud. The humble should have pride, the proud should be humbled. Self-esteem is important in this world, but no enjoys watching an arrogant person and no one enjoys watching someone who has no confidence. It's all about perspective.

In my advanced history class we discuss point of view. Having a clear point of view gives direction and focus and let's people know what is important to us. A healthy dose of self-esteem gives us confidence to confirm our point of view and back it up. Knowing our self-worth is necessary for a strong foundation on which to build our self-esteem.

Recently, I was called "boring" by a teenager and in many ways I have to admit that I am rather boring and in a teenager's eyes, that's terrible! Being bored or, worse yet boring, is like a death sentence to a teenager. At first I was hurt and a little defensive, even I don't want to be boring!

Later though, I thought about the accusation and considered the age of the one accusing and what might make me seem boring. I realized that being focused and self-disciplined is the price I currently have to pay for being organized, prepared, and on task as a teacher--and it's a constant challenge!

As someone who struggles with ADD issues (attention deficit disorder), I constantly struggle with completing tasks like marking papers and planning lessons, I still often have the appearance of being disorganized or messy and if I lose my lack of focus or that small edge I try to maintain, I end up falling behind and look like a chicken running around with her head cut off!

When I set my goals for this year, I knew that I would have to maintain a more consistent focus if I was going to improve my skills this year and become a better teacher. So yes, I am more boring this year, but I'm OK with that...for the moment.

In our text , neither the humble nor the proud were where God wanted them to be. One needed a boost of self confidence and the other needed to be knocked off his pedestal. What of you? Are you where God wants you to be?

Verse twelve promises God's blessing on the man, (and in perspective women too) "who preservers under trial, because when he or she, has stood the test, he or she will receive the crown of life that God promises to those who love him."

The crown of life, that's the prize for working hard to be the best God calls us to be! Whether it means standing up for injustice, having a unique set of priorities or a unique life calling, or just being more self -disciplined so that you have to choose your moments of relaxation and fun very carefully.

As for me, I look forward to school holidays and a break from work....hopefully during this next break I can have some fun; my kind of fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good points,
I was not bored at all reading this, inspired in fact. Thanks for posting, for teaching, for being a friend for so many.