Monday, June 2, 2014

Vacation Time

I can't believe I've only written once this year! Here it is June already and school has been out for over a week. This is going to be a stay at home holiday. It's our year to stay in Nigeria and with all the tensions in Nigeria we don't have any plans at the moment to travel in country either.

This week the kids all start soccer camp so that should keep them busy. Nat will be helping out at the elementary camp too and Daniel will sometimes help at the high school camp.

While I enjoy having a relaxed schedule, I do have to keep some focus or I'll end up feeling depressed. I have different cleaning projects at home on my list, a few things to do in my classroom and some prep for next year. I also enjoy having time to read so I'll read for both pleasure and also some history reading for both pleasure and to help me in school.

I also enjoy having time to bake. So far I've made cinnamon rolls twice and pizza once.

Another thing I try to do every summer, is to exercise more. This summer I won't have the lake in my US home town to walk around, but I'm lucky to have the school compound across the street and try to make good use of it. There's a 3/4 mile path that goes around the school and then the track itself. so I've started doing about two miles or more almost every day.

Well, soccer is almost over and Annette will probably be ready to go home soon. Bye for now.

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