Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is coming....!

It's December 21st and Christmas preparations are upon us.

I was out doing my last shopping (I hope!). Found a few gifts for the boys and Amson promised to get Annette's request (she really wants a phone and doesn't think she's getting one because last night he said no...don't tell her!)

Yesterday I did some baking and soon will continue. Tomorrow I have some friends with their kids to do some cookie decorating . I just heard one family is down with the flu that is going around. It stopped briefly at our house, but our kids just had minor cases.

I was playing some Christmas music yesterday to "catch the spirit" but even after all these years it's hard to believe Christmas is coming until it's upon us. I guess I still kind of remove myself emotionally so that I don't miss family that is far away.

One thing I have realized more and more since I've been in Nigeria; especially since I've had kids is how commercial Christmas in the USA is. Here I have to remind myself that the kids might want something fun, besided their Christmas clothes. I always wear myself out by baking cookies etc. Nigeria certainly has it's share of Christmas rush, but I don't sense the pushy-ness behind it.

One thing we started this year that we haven't done before is to share Advent devotions together in the evening. The kids seem to enjoy it and notice when we forgot or were busy with school activities (some nights we've had to read two or three readings to catch up). Nat, Annette and Daniel have all taken turns with our opening and closing prayers and Nat and Annette have helped with the readings. We all seem to enjoy the time as a family and it makes me realize how rarely we do something together. We try to pray in the morning, but it's hard to get the kids up so it's usually Amson, his sisters, and me.

A few weeks the five of us went out for Sunday lunch and a drive in our new van. It was nice to just have time together.

We'll be spending Christmas here in Jos. Christmas Eve we have an early church service and the kids can open their gifts in the morning. (not sure what else we'll do Christmas Eve) Christmas Day we have church and then will share a Love Feast with other church members. (Like a potluck.) On the 28th we'll head to Adamawa to stay in our house and spend at least two nights in the village over the 1st. I think we'll be back in Jos on the 6th, just in time for Daniel's 6th birthday on the 7th.

I pray that this season offers you time to share as a family so that together you can ponder on what Christmas means to you.

Merry Christmas!
