Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bombs on Sunday, but still we seek God

It happened again, another church was bombed as people met to worship God. I guess you could say that some were called for a special appointment and church attendance wasn't quite enough. I am reminded of a funeral I attended in Adamawa state a few years ago for one of our Lutheran pastors. The archbishop commented on how it's odd that everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.

Some sense their fear increasing today since this is the second blast in Jos in the past few weeks that occurred on a Sunday morning, but surprisingly more of us just see it as a prayer concern and go about our daily work.

Even our children don't seemed to be stressed, unless of course school is disrupted. That would actually increase their stress; it's better to keep busy and we have "spring break" at the end of the week anyway.

Those of you who read this that live in the West, probably can't understand how calm we are taking these attacks. Some how, we still sense that God is in control and the miracles of only a few deaths are noted more than the violence itself. Do pray for those that are affected, I know that some of our school community members have been present during both attacks.

As I said, some how we know that God still reigns in Nigeria, if not it would be far worse because all the military and police checks really do very little. I'd much rather trust in God anyway!