Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Slower Paced Morning

It's been a busy week of a combination of late nights or early mornings to do school work so this morning I decided that I would stay home from the Women's Fellowship meeting. There should be a district meeting, but the location is hard to get to so I gave myself permission to stay home.

I did a little school work, but then made a big batch of baking powder biscuits. Soon I have to go grocery shopping so I can come home and make some brownies for Nat's class to sell at his soccer game. (The 9th grade class is the only class that gets to sell refreshments at games. Each class in HS has different fundraiser opportunities.)

I have 't had much time and energy to do baking these past few weeks, so I don't mind doing a little baking today. I always make plenty so we can have some to enjoy too. Later in the week I have to make and decorate cupcakes for Annette's class who are making lunches to sell to elementary students and then treats for others to buy too.

I haven't even done much shopping these past weeks, so the list is a little long today. I usually try to make supper on Saturdays since my sister-in-law often is busy with school and practice for Sunday worship music, but lately I haven't even been able to do that. Today I hope to buy some cheese and make pizza. I made it several times before school started, but not at all this past month, so it should taste good. Of course that means I may not be able to watch all of Nat's game...and lately he's been making his goal in the 2nd half so I've been missing it!

I have to brag about my kids for a minute. Nat is only a freshman, but has had a great beginning to his high school career with a goal in almost every game. Annette's progress report showed her determination to do better this year is paying off in her improved grades and Dan is showing progress in his reading and memory verse efforts! I love seeing my kids do well!

As for Amson and I, we both stay busy with work commitments. I've been trying hard to keep a positive attitude with my two most challenging group of students. I've realized the class atmosphere deteriorates even faster when I get all stressed out and upset.

This year I've been trying to spend more time on lesson planning and classroom management. Organization is not my strong point, but at least I feel things are going better overall so I'm encouraged to keep up the effort!

Well, it's time to get moving. One of my students needs to get into the classroom this morning so I agreed to stop before going shopping. That means I need to hit the showers...once the bathroom is empty! I'm thankful I can even go shopping today. We had some concerns yesterday with possible tensions related to this YouTube video that the Muslims have been protesting, but thankfully there haven't been any outbreaks of violence here in Jos so we can go about our plans for shopping, soccer games, etc.

I guess my slow paced morning has finished, but it was nice while it lasted!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Faith in Christ

It has been a few weeks since I last posted. School work and meetings, family needs, and Internet issues has made it hard to find the time. Even so, life is going well. We've had a month of school already and progress reports just went out. The kids and I have settled into our routines and are trying to keep up with all our challenges.

Nigeria too has stayed calm. We thank God for that! Our church attendance is even back to where it was two years ago.

This is the 6th Biblical Truths. We had seven of us at Bible Study yesterday as we shared the study below. We shared how it is a challenge to understand the difference of doing good works and being kind to others as a way of showing our thankfulness to God for his love to us. We also discussed how it can be a challenge to hear God in the midst of our busy lives.

We have just two more Biblical Truths to study and then we will begin to study the lives of Christians in the past.

   Faith in Christ                                                           Romans 3:21-24, Romans 8:5-8

Of all the Biblical Truths, this is one that Lutherans should understand most. Martin Luther, like so many others, tried to earn his way into God’s favor. Over time, he realized that his own sinful nature always got in the way of his efforts.
This is the same for so many of us. We try to do what is right, we try to do good and be good, to think kind thoughts, to be there for our family, friends, and church members, but somehow something keeps us from putting God’s will ahead of our own. It’s hard when we try to do what is right and then someone near us does something or says something that just isn’t right or fair and we get annoyed or even angry. Sometimes it’s hard not to lash out with words meant to hurt. But then we have to pick up the pieces and no matter how hard we try or how much it makes sense in the world’s view, defending ourselves with the intent to put others down is just not right in God’s eyes.

Like Luther, we have to understand that if we try to work out our faith with our minds and our wills, it won’t work. We will always fall short. The only answer is to surrender to Christ and put our faith and trust in Him. That’s not to say God’s way will always make sense; often it doesn’t from our human perspective. But trusting with our heart, mind, and soul, even when it seems crazy or impossible, is what Christ wants. We have to come to the point of letting go and letting God take charge of our lives.

How do we do this? We study the word, we study the lives of Christians before us or around us, and we live one day at a time trusting God’s will above our own. We put our dreams to His test and study His ways so that we can understand His direction better. We come to Him in prayer, communicating our desires to Him and weighing them against Jesus’ words in the scripture and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Those two things, God’s Word and Prayer, are what can make all the difference.

By ourselves, we just can’t do it, but by trusting God’s love at all times, trusting His forgiveness when we stumble or fall, and being open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we read His Word and come to Him in Prayer means that God’s salvation is a sure thing. Through faith in God and His promises we can stand firm no matter what storms come our way.