Thursday, August 7, 2014

Summer's End; New Beginnings...

Here it is the end of my summer break, which of course isn't summer in Nigeria but rainy season! Anyway, I have two more days of my break, then the weekend and then I report with the other teachers on Monday.

I hardly went out of town during the break. It was hard on the kids, but at least they had soccer camp to attend and some friends were around. As for me, I enjoyed my usual "favorites": baking, reading, watching NCSI shows, Food Channel, and Travel Channel. I also spent some time doing a little organizing around the house.

Even though nothing grand happened, I do feel refreshed. It was good to have time to tickle Daniel, share some late-night chats with Annette, and drive Nat to soccer practice across town. I find it is during the summer breaks that I feel I have more time to do "Mom" types of things. The kids are at that age where I don't want them to depend as much on me, but it's good to have time to be there for them and allow them time to develop their own levels of independence.

Becoming independent is never easy and I think letting go is even harder. I remember being excited to travel alone for the first times, get a job, and go off to college...but now to anticipate some of those opportunities for my kids is even harder. Now I know what's out there and its hard to let them stretch their wings; with all the security and health issues going on today it is especially hard.

Nonetheless, I continue to rely on the same God for guidance, protection, and trust that whatever happens, he is still in control. Watching a TV show with my daughter the other night reminded me that since my kids are black (or brown as they say), they will face challenges and attitudes that I may not understand so trusting God in those areas is like trusting someone leading me with my eyes blindfolded.

That element of trust is nothing new since I've always enjoyed change and accepting new challenges I've learned how to trust God. Granted, that doesn't mean it's easy or doesn't involve additional prayer because it does! It just means that I feel safe knowing God is in control. There's a hymn we sing here that includes the line, " the hollow of your hand..." I like knowing that God holds me in the hollow of his had, but I don't see him squeezing tight. He holds me loosely, knowing that I will want to stretch my wings and flutter here and there. I guess that's what I try to do with my kids too.

With a new school year starting there are new beginnings; I like new beginnings never know what new challenges and opportunities are just around the corner!

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